MCD Backs the Octavia Butler Scholarships and Parallax and Kindred Awards
Posted by Danny Vazquez
June 29, 2018
The Carl Brandon Society is an organization dedicated to boosting the representation of people of color across speculative fiction genres including science fiction, fantasy, and horror. The organization runs programs carrying on the spirit of Octavia E. Butler’s work and legacy with the Octavia E. Butler Scholarships for writers of color attending the Clarion and Clarion West writing workshops and the Parallax and Kindred awards for excellence in literature challenging racial and ethnic stereotypes.
Until July 22, the Carl Brandon Society is holding a fundraiser with a goal of $10,000 going towards fulfilling their programming budgetary needs.
To date, CBS has funded 23 scholarships for students of color attending the Clarion and Clarion West workshops, presented 6 Kindred and 7 Parallax Awards, and provided 19 years of support and strategizing for People of Color seeking representation in our field. All with the help of generous donors like you. The Carl Brandon Society is a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation is tax-deductible in the U.S.
Additionally, The Carl Brandon Society has been offered several donor challenges: over $2500 is pledged to matching funds for your gifts! Every dollar you send means they get another, matching dollar from one of their challenge pledge donors–up to $2500!